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As the price of eggs continues to rise, many preppers are turning to raising their own chickens as a sustainable way to secure a steady supply of fresh eggs. Having your own flock provides a reliable food source and fits perfectly into a self-sufficient lifestyle. For preppers, it’s important to choose chicken breeds that are hardy, reliable egg layers, and adaptable to different climates and conditions.

With so many breeds available, it can be challenging to find the right ones for your setup. Some breeds are calm and easy to manage, while others are more independent and active.

To make it easier, we’ve put together a list of 15 chicken breeds that are ideal for preppers. These breeds are known for their dependable egg production, resilience, and suitability for various living conditions, making them the perfect choice for anyone looking to add chickens to their prepper lifestyle.

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chicken breeds for preppers

Top Chickens for Preppers

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth rock chickens
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Plymouth Rock chickens were once the most common breed in the U.S. and remain a popular choice among backyard chicken keepers and preppers. These docile, friendly birds can tolerate cold weather and do best if they have room to roam and forage. Plymouth Rock hens lay around 200 eggs per year and can continue laying up to the age of ten.

Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Red chickens
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With their placid and easy-going temperament, Rhode Island Red hens are a good choice for a small backyard flock. They are very hardy and robust, enabling them to cope with all living conditions. Rhode Island Red chickens produce a plentiful supply of eggs, around 200-250 per year.

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Black Australorp

Black Australorp
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These glossy black chickens are world record holders for egg laying; most will produce at least 250 eggs annually. Black Australorps cope well with confinement, but daily foraging keeps them healthy and in peak condition. In warmer climates, provide plenty of shade to prevent overheating.

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White leghorn chicken
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Leghorn chickens love to explore and will thrive in a free-range system or large enclosure where they can roam all day. They do well in warmer climates and will lay at least four eggs weekly. Leghorns are notoriously good flyers, so they need an enclosure with a high fence to keep them secure.

Olive Egger

Olive egger
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Olive Eggers are a hybrid chicken created by crossing a hen that lays blue eggs with a breed that lays brown eggs. The result is a chicken that produces beautiful olive-green eggs, hence the name. Olive Eggers are friendly and low-maintenance, making them ideal for beginners.


Silkie chicken
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Who wouldn’t fall in love with these adorable little birds?! Silkies are a small breed of chicken that cope well with confinement, making them ideal for keeping in a backyard.

They are incredibly tame and easy to handle and also make excellent mothers. Silkie chickens don’t cope well with poor living conditions, so be prepared to provide a bit of extra pampering.


Faverolles chickens
Image Credit: Babsy, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Faverolles chickens are a French breed that is well-adapted to being reared in small flocks. They are docile, friendly, and rarely suffer from health problems. Faverolles hens produce around 200 medium-sized eggs per year and will continue to lay through the winter months.

Easter Egger

Easter egger
Image Credit: HZOfficial1, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Easter Egger hens are a great choice if you’ve got young aspiring chicken keepers in the family. They are easy to tame, and their fun-loving, quirky personalities make them a joy to care for. These hybrid hens are specially bred to lay eggs in different colors, including blue, green, white, pink, tan, or chocolate brown.


Brahma chickens
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Brahmas are the gentle giants of the chicken world, and their friendly nature makes them easy to handle. These beautiful big birds require plenty of space and food but will reward you with a plentiful supply of extra-large eggs. Brahmas are also among the few chicken breeds that lay well through winter.


Sussex chicken
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The Sussex chicken is an ancient breed that is easy to keep and rarely suffers from health problems. They have a curious and inquisitive nature and enjoy the opportunity to roam and forage for food. This breed copes well with colder climates and will lay at least 200 large eggs per year.

Buff Orpington

Buff Orpington chicken
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With their beautiful golden plumage and calm temperament, the Buff Orpington is a great choice for beginners. They are easy to tame and cope well with confinement but enjoy exploring and foraging for food. Buff Orpington hens will lay up to 280 large brown eggs per year.

New Hampshire Red

New Hampshire red chicken
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New Hampshire chickens are a tough, hardy breed that produces over 200 eggs per year. They can become very tame and sociable if handled regularly from a young age. This breed doesn’t always mix well with other chicken breeds, so it should not be kept as part of a mixed flock.


cochin chicken breed
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The Cochin breed is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a chicken with a sweet personality and a friendly disposition. Originally from China, Cochins have gained popularity in both America and Europe.

These large, impressive birds are visually appealing and low-maintenance, making them a favorite among pet owners. Their calm and friendly nature makes them great companions for humans, and they are content to stay close to home.


Wyandotte chicken
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Wyandottes are one of the most exquisitely-feathered chicken breeds, boasting a glamorous plumage in a range of different colors. They cope better in colder climates than most breeds and are calm and easy to handle. Wyandotte hens will lay up to 200 light brown eggs per year.


Delaware chickens
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Although Delaware chickens are not renowned for being cuddly, their curious nature means they’ll follow you around, making adorable, chatty noises as they go! This hardy breed lays around four large eggs per week and will thrive if adequate food, water, and shelter are provided. Delaware chickens can be quite noisy, so perhaps they are not the best choice for urban chicken keepers.

19 Things You Should Know Before Getting Chickens

chickens standing around
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Before you jump into the world of chicken-keeping, there are a few essential things to know. Here’s our comprehensive guide of 19 essential tips to help you become a confident and successful chicken owner!

19 Things You Should Know Before Getting Chickens

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Image Credit: Deposit Photos

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How to Raise Your Own Chickens

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