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Chickens are not only a great source of organic eggs and meat, but they also make entertaining and delightful pets. They can be quite creative as they forage in the backyard, searching for bugs, grasses, and weeds to peck at.

Having a pet chicken can be a fun and educational experience for your family, as children can enjoy the curiosity of the chickens and learn responsibility by taking care of them.

You don’t need to live on a farm to raise a chicken as a family pet; urban homes can accommodate chickens, too. Here are some tips to keep chickens as your companions:

Australian Shepherd Watching Over Baby Chicks
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Research Thoroughly

Begin by conducting thorough research. Talk to friends or acquaintances who have experience raising chickens to gain insights from their first-hand experiences. Review state and local laws regarding keeping chickens, including hens and roosters, to ensure compliance with regulations. This will help you make informed decisions and avoid any legal issues when choosing the type of chicken to raise.

Delaware chickens
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Factors to Consider Before Getting Chickens

Check your town guidelines to ensure that chickens are allowed in your area. Additionally, verify if there is a limit on the number of birds you can keep.

Ensure you have enough space for your chickens. You will need a spacious chicken or hen house. Invest in a full-size chicken coop, which you can buy or build yourself if possible. Ensure it has enough feeders, waterers, nest boxes, and roosting areas.

Your hen house or coop should be well-protected to protect the birds from predators.

Chickens need food and water every day, just like humans. Invest in high-quality chicken feed, typically costing around $20 per bag. Also, ensure your birds have an adequate supply of fresh water daily.

You will need to collect eggs every day. Hens usually lay eggs from spring to fall; if you’re lucky, you might need to collect eggs twice a day.

Chicken egg tracker

Monthly Egg Tracker For Chickens

This planner will help you track production so you can notice trends and celebrate results!

Prepare the Home and Bring in the Chickens

Ensure your chickens have a warm and comfortable living environment. Baby chicks, in particular, need extra warmth as they do not yet have feathers. Use a heat lamp to provide the necessary warmth and line the coop with comfortable bedding.

A raised coop is recommended to keep the area dry and clean. Protect your chickens from predators by installing a fence or wire mesh with tiny holes to prevent any predators from entering. For their food, you can plant kale, alfalfa, cabbages, and other greens in the area where the chickens can forage when you let them out to play.

Chicken Coop Nests: The basics you’ll need to know
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How Much Space Do Chickens Need?

The space requirements of chickens depend mainly on the breeds you have. However, on average, a medium-sized chicken needs about 3 sq ft of interior space and about 8 sq ft of running area outside a coop. As a general rule, more space means a healthier and happier flock.

On the other hand, if they don’t get adequate space and the coop is overcrowded, feather picking and several diseases will be promoted.

Further, the birds will need space to run freely and spread their wings. So, you can lend them your entire backyard, where they can have dust baths, do some hunting, get some sunshine, etc. No matter what option you choose, make sure the yard is properly fenced so that predators can not access the flock and harm them.

Keep Them Entertained

Chickens are naturally curious and enjoy roaming and foraging. However, they can become bored during shorter winter days or when they can’t find exciting bugs. Bored chickens may start to peck at each other or themselves, leading to injuries, animosity, and feather loss. To keep them entertained, consider the following tips:

  • Add a Pile of Hay or Straw: Place a pile of hay or straw in the coop for the chickens to forage through.
  • Hang a Vegetable Pinata: Hang a vegetable-made pinata in the coop for the chickens to peck at and dodge around.
  • Provide Swinging Toys: Give them something to swing on to keep them occupied for hours.
  • Install Mirrors: Make them curious by placing mirrors in the coop.
  • Offer Nutritious Treats: Provide some nutritious Chook Crumble for them to enjoy.

By implementing these activities, you can help keep your chickens engaged and prevent boredom-related issues.

Train Them

If you want the chicken to be your companion, you have to train it when it’s still young. The trained chicken will sit on your lap, come if you call their name, sing, and display some fun tricks.

Little girl with a chicken
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Tips for Raising a Chicken as a Companion

  • Let it Fall Asleep on Your Lap: Hold your chicken and let it fall asleep on your lap from time to time. This helps build trust and comfort.
  • Avoid Startling It: Be gentle and avoid sudden movements to prevent startling your chicken.
  • Use Its Name: Start referring to your chicken by name to help it recognize and respond to you.
  • Introduce the Outdoors: Gradually take your chicken outside to let it get used to the outside world and enjoy free-ranging.

Is It Okay to Keep Chickens in Your Backyard?

IChickens are just like any other pets. It’s completely OK to have them happily in your backyard. You’ll surely enjoy their company. What’s even better? You’ll get fresh supplies of eggs and chickens at your home. These eggs taste much better than the store-bought ones.

There are several other advantages to raising chickens at home. However, there are several things that you need to keep in mind while having a flock. It is a great responsibility; you must always watch them and protect them from predators. Below are the things you need to remember while raising chickens in your backyard.

How Many Chickens Should I Keep?

traditional rural barnyard. backyard red ranger chicken close up
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Chickens are extremely social birds. If you only keep one or two of them, they will likely get upset and bored, which will affect their productivity. So, plan to have at least three to six birds.

This number will ensure you have enough supplies of eggs daily, as a mature hen lays about two eggs in 3 days.

Another reason to keep a minimum of 3-6 chickens is that they are productive for the first two years; after that, their laying capability will slow down. So, you have to replace them with younger birds. You can either hatch the new chicks on your own or buy them from a trusted hatchery.

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Raising a chicken as a companion involves several techniques to ensure it feels safe and happy. Keep its living space clean, provide proper nutrition, and create a stress-free environment. Chickens love to free-range, so regularly take them outside and watch them play and explore. With patience and care, you can enjoy a rewarding bond with your feathered friend.

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