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If you raise chickens, you’ve likely thought about expanding your flock. While the simplest way to do this is by purchasing new chicks from a store, there’s a more engaging and rewarding option—hatching your own chicken eggs.

Hatching your own chicks is not only more sustainable, but it’s also more cost-effective in the long run. It allows you greater control over the size and quality of your flock and gives you a sense of accomplishment as you help bring new life into the world.

For those with children, the experience can be especially educational. Hatching eggs offers a hands-on way for kids to learn about the life cycle, and they’ll love having adorable, fluffy chicks in the backyard.

If you’re interested, here’s a guide to get you started on Hatching Chicken Eggs.

Hatching Chicks from Egg. Close shot with bokeh effect.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

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Starting With Egg Hatching

Starting with egg hatching can feel overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time. However, with a little knowledge, patience, and determination, it’s definitely something you can manage. Before you dive in, there are a few important factors to consider.

First, you’ll need to decide whether to opt for natural hatching or use an artificial incubator. Remember, a broody hen is essentially a natural incubator. Keep in mind that not all eggs will hatch successfully, and about half of those that do will likely be cockerels.

If you don’t plan on keeping the cockerels beyond fertilization, you’ll need to have a plan for them. Additionally, be aware that some local regulations don’t allow roosters in residential areas, so check your local laws.

Consider the space you have available and the time you can dedicate to this process, as you’ll end up with more chickens needing housing and care.

Despite the challenges, the experience of seeing chicks you’ve helped bring into the world is incredibly rewarding.

How Long Does It Take For A Chicken Egg To Hatch Naturally?

Many chicken owners prefer the traditional method of hatching eggs, allowing nature to take its course by using a broody hen to incubate the eggs until the chicks hatch. Typically, a broody hen will begin the process once she has accumulated around a dozen eggs in the nest box.

It’s important to note that egg development starts only when the hen consistently sits on them. Since broody hens can be quite protective, it’s best to minimize disturbances.

Once brooding begins, the hen will sit on the eggs for about 21 days, which is the time needed for the embryos to fully develop. During this period, the hen will spend most of her time on the eggs, leaving them only briefly each day—about 20 minutes—to eat, drink, and stretch her legs. Mark the start of brooding so you can anticipate when the chicks will hatch.

Hatching usually starts around the 20th or 21st day and may take a couple of days for all the chicks to emerge. Around the 18th day, you might notice the hen making soft vocalizations to the chicks, and you may even hear them respond. The hen will likely encourage the chicks as they work their way out of the shells.

Within two to four days, most of the eggs should hatch. If any eggs remain unhatched after this time, they are likely not viable and should be removed from the nest.

Hatching Chicken Eggs Naturally

When hatching eggs naturally, the first step is finding a rooster to fertilize the eggs. If you don’t have a rooster, you can likely borrow one to do the job.

Next, you’ll need to identify a broody hen. A key sign that a hen is broody is increased aggression—she may peck at you when you try to collect eggs and show hostility toward other members of the flock.

If you want to encourage a hen to become broody, you can place artificial eggs in the nest box and leave them there for a while. These fake eggs closely resemble real ones and are readily available online or at specialty stores.

Keep in mind that not all chicken breeds are good for brooding. Many breeds have had the brooding instinct bred out of them to increase productivity. However, some breeds, like Asil, Brahma, Cochin, Dorking, Delaware, Barnvelder, Dominique, Buff Orpington, and Silkie, still have strong brooding traits and can successfully hatch eggs.

Once you’ve chosen your broody hen, you’ll need to decide where she will brood. Hens often prefer their favorite nesting box, but this can lead to issues if other hens lay eggs in the same spot. A better option might be to create a separate brooding area. This space should be at least one square foot, allowing the hen to move and turn the eggs without damaging them. Once the hen starts sitting on the eggs consistently, development will begin.

During incubation, the hen will naturally turn the eggs regularly, ensuring even temperature distribution and preventing the embryo from sticking to the shell.

Broody hens are very protective of their eggs and will defend them from perceived threats, including predators, other chickens, and even you. After about 21 days of brooding, the eggs will hatch. Once the chicks have hatched, the hen will care for them and will typically leave any new eggs in the nest.

Hatching Chicken Eggs In an Incubator

Newborn little yellow chicken in the incubator
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

While natural egg hatching has its advantages, one drawback is the lack of consistency. Using an incubator to hatch eggs is a more costly and involved process, but it offers reliable results and allows you to hatch more eggs at once.

There are many incubator options available on the market today. Keep in mind that the price often reflects the quality of the incubator, so it’s wise to avoid the cheapest options if you want reliable performance.

One feature that affects the cost of an incubator is automatic egg turning. While you can choose a manual option, this will require more hands-on involvement from you.

Another important consideration is whether the incubator uses forced air or still air. Forced air provides better air circulation, which can be crucial for even development. Also, think about how many eggs you plan to hatch at a time, and choose an incubator size that fits your needs.

After selecting and purchasing an incubator, the next step is choosing the eggs for incubation. Pick eggs that are clean, of good size, and well-shaped. The fresher the eggs, the better.

Avoid extra cleaning of the eggs to preserve the natural protective coating that safeguards the embryo. When ready, place the eggs in the incubator with the wider end facing up.

The incubation process typically lasts 21 days, but it’s not a “set it and forget it” situation. You’ll need to regularly monitor the temperature and humidity. If the humidity drops, you can increase it by placing damp sponges inside the incubator.

If you opted for a manual incubator, you’ll also need to turn the eggs. Mark the eggs with Xs and Os to keep track, and turn them at least three times a day.

To observe the development inside the eggs, you can use a candling lamp. This tool helps identify non-fertile eggs and is also a fun, educational experience, especially for kids.

On the 18th day, stop turning the eggs and leave them to hatch. You’ll likely notice movement, signaling that hatching is underway. Once the chicks hatch, allow them to dry in the incubator before transferring them to a brooder box.

Perfect Temperature For Hatching Chicken Eggs

Large group of newly hatched chicks in an incubator
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Before you place eggs in an incubator, it should be running for several hours or even the whole day. This enables it to reach the temperature necessary for hatching, which should be 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit (37.5 Celsius).

Be aware that the embryos are very sensitive to temperature change. A variation of just 1 degree could kill them. This is one reason why you should purchase a high-quality incubator.

With a better incubator, you’ll experience minimal fluctuations. Every time you manipulate eggs and turn them, you’ll have to open the incubator lid and the temperature will change. Try to do this as fast as possible, so the temperature recovers before it becomes harmful.

In addition, try to place the incubator in a room with a steady temperature and minimal draft. You can ensure the gauge’s precision by double-checking with a medical thermometer.

Humidity Levels for Hatching Chicken Eggs

Maintaining the right humidity level in an incubator is crucial for successfully hatching healthy chicks. Proper egg moisture is essential, as insufficient moisture loss can cause chicks to drown while pipping, whereas too low humidity can toughen the egg membranes, making it difficult for chicks to break through the shell.

There isn’t a universal agreement among experts on the precise humidity levels required during incubation, but it’s generally recommended to maintain humidity between 25-60% during the first 18 days. In the final three days, known as the “lockdown” period, humidity should be increased to 70-80% to support the hatching process.

Most modern incubators are equipped with easy-to-use water channels to help manage humidity. It’s important to follow the incubator’s instructions closely, regularly monitor the levels, and consider the ambient humidity in your area.

Here are a couple of tips to help you regulate humidity in your incubator: Add a few drops of food coloring to the water in the channels to make it easier to see the water levels. To raise humidity, you can place small damp sponges inside the incubator.

What Happens Inside the Egg During the 21-Day Incubation Period

From the start of incubation to hatching, the egg and the developing embryo undergo a series of remarkable changes. Understanding these stages can help you successfully hatch chicken eggs and recognize if an egg is viable.

If the egg is properly fertilized, embryo development begins even before it is placed in the incubator. During the first two days of incubation, critical structures like the head, eyes, ears, heart, and nervous system begin to form. By the third day, the heart starts beating, and the wings, tail, and legs start to develop.

On the fourth day, the tongue and toes begin to form, and by the fifth day, reproductive organs start developing. Around this time, you can begin monitoring the egg’s progress by candling it. By the seventh day, the legs start to bend, and feather glands appear, signaling where feathers will grow.

Around the eighth or ninth day, feather buds start to emerge, and the egg tooth, which the chick will use to break out of the shell, begins to form. By day 10, flight feathers start to develop.

In the following days, the beak hardens, legs and scales become more defined, and claws start to form. The “wishbone” also begins to take shape during this time. The embryo starts absorbing calcium from the shell to strengthen its bones.

By day 14, the fluffy down nearly covers the embryo. On day 15, the bones, including the egg tooth, are fully hardened. Over the next two days, the embryo positions itself for hatching, and the renal system begins waste production. On day 18, the embryo starts absorbing the yolk, which will sustain the chick immediately after hatching. At this point, the embryo nearly fills the entire egg.

By day 20, the yolk is fully absorbed, and the chick’s beak is ready to pierce the shell. You may notice small cracks in the shell, a sign that hatching is imminent.

Most of day 21 is spent hatching as the chick breaks free from the egg.

Large group of newly hatched chicks on a chicken farm
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

What Happens If The Eggs Don’t Hatch In 21 Days?

Sometimes, the eggs don’t hatch on the 21st day due to various reasons. This can happen due to infertility, infection, an improperly set incubator, or a sick hen if the eggs are hatching naturally. Candling the eggs can help you determine the cause on time.

Some breeds naturally take a little longer to hatch. In any case, you can wait for 3 or 4 more days to see if the chick will hatch. Don’t try to break the shell yourself. It will die if the embryo still hasn’t completely absorbed the yolk. If the egg doesn’t hatch after this time, remove it from the incubator or the brooding nest.

How Can You Tell If an Egg Is Alive or Dead?

If you’re unsure whether an embryo inside an egg is still alive, there are a couple of methods you can use to check.

One way is to candle the egg. By shining a light through the egg, you should be able to see blood vessels and possibly some movement if the embryo is alive. A dead egg will often feel cooler to the touch compared to the others.

Another method is the float test. Place the egg in warm water. If the egg is alive, you might see it move or jiggle slightly, and it will usually float at an angle. If the egg sinks to the bottom, it’s likely just a yolk with no developing embryo.

What Do You Do After A Chicken Egg Hatches?

Caring for Newly Hatched Chicks

When chicks hatch, they need a safe, warm, and dry environment, along with access to food and water. Right after hatching, allow them some time to adjust. It’s important not to remove them from the incubator until all the eggs have hatched.

The sound of the newly hatched chicks peeping can encourage the others to break out of their shells. Since their feathers will still be wet, let them dry completely in the incubator. Keep in mind that chicks don’t need food for the first 24 hours, though you may want to provide water nearby. By the time they hatch, you should have a brooder ready with a heat lamp.

If you’re hatching chicks naturally, the mother hen will provide the necessary warmth. Make sure the brooder has an open area so the hen can leave if she wants to.

You may also want to install a little ramp, so the chick can follow her and go for a stroll.

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