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But just like any other animal, there are diseases in chickens you should watch out for. Any changes in their skin color, behavior, and secretions mean something. Let this article guide you on what are the chicken disease symptoms, their causes, and how to prevent them.
How do you know if your chickens are sick?
Here are the signs you should look for to know if your chicken is sick.
Weak or inactive chickens
Happy and healthy chickens move a lot during the day. If you observe chickens that prefer to sit and hide in the chicken coop for most of the day, it is likely something is wrong. Sick chickens are usually weak or inactive because they try to conserve energy and keep warm.
Poor appetite
Chickens are like humans, too; they eat more if they like the food and less if sick. If you’re feeding the chickens and spot a chicken with poor appetite, try to provide other foods they might like—corn, cooked oatmeal, or mealworms.
If you try giving them their favorite foods and they still exhibit a poor appetite, this indicates a sickness.
Changes in behavior or actions
If your chicken acts or behaves differently than it used to, this is a sign of a problem. Examples are holding their wings in a weird position, limping, having trouble standing up, having an unusual smell, staying away from the rest of the flock, or using any odd body language.
Observe for stomach problems
A dark, food-like vomit from chickens may indicate a tumor, impaction, dead section of the intestines, or blocked passage. If chickens throw up yeast-like, sour-smelling liquid, this may indicate peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal wall due to a fungal or bacterial infection).
If chickens vomit clear fluids, this is a sign of ascites (fluid build-up in the abdomen).
Also, observe the feces: Their texture, changes in smell, and unusual color. All of these indicate stomach problems in chickens and need immediate care.
Observe their eyes
Watch out for runny or cloudy chicken eyes that may indicate they are under the weather. If you also observe that one or both eyes are closed most of the time instead of being usually alert, investigate further.
Changes in the comb, wattle, or skin color
Observe any swelling, lesions, or color changes in the chicken’s different body parts. Any changes are likely signs of sickness, and it is best to gather further information.
Egg quality and production.
When a chicken suffers from an illness, its egg quality and production are most likely to suffer. Check the egg quality if the shell is too soft, the egg yolk is too watery, or the eggs are weirdly shaped. Also, observe changes in the egg production.
If the chicken suddenly becomes unable to produce eggs, egg production lessens, or you notice difficulty laying eggs, this may be a sign of sickness.
Common Chicken Symptoms
Chickens Losing Feathers
The most common reason chickens lose feathers is their annual molting. The natural shedding of the hen’s or rooster’s feathers happens once a year in preparation for the winter. The decreased light during the fall season triggers this molting process.
The molting process takes about 4-12 weeks, depending on the chicken’s breed. It requires the chicken to use tremendous amounts of energy to grow new and healthy feathers. This is not one of the chicken disease symptoms you should be afraid of, especially when the feather falls off before winter.
However, observing your chickens closely during the molting season is best. Observe for any signs of illness or weakness so the chickens will survive and come out strong. Make sure that the chickens avoid stress factors during the molting season. The chicken coop must be well-sanitized. They must be safe from predators, avoid fighting with other chickens, and be fed a high-protein diet.
Also, avoid handling or touching the chicken because they are highly sensitive during this season.
Amino acid deficiency
The most common reason why chickens’ feathers are unable to develop properly is because of amino acid deficiency. Inadequate levels of methionine (the essential amino acid requirement in chickens) result in poor feathering and delayed chicken growth.
If the feathers are broken off or pulled off, especially on the head of the hen or its back, it can be a sign of mating. Roosters, on the other hand, may have missing feathers on their breast area.
This is not something owners should worry about because it will grow back after the breeding season.
If there are no feathers on the vent or abdominal area, this may indicate the presence of an external parasite, such as poultry lice or fowl mites.
Chickens With Swollen or Scally Feet or Beaks
Scaly Feet disease in chickens
The infestation of the knemidocoptes mites causes chickens’ scaly legs. These mites hide and grow in the chicken’s legs, feet, wattles, or beaks. The “scaly feet” disease is highly contagious and spreads to other chickens quickly.
The mites cause an overproduction of skin cells, resulting in flakey and irritated skin. For chickens whose beaks are affected, this may result in a permanent deformity.
These mites live on the floor or ground of the chicken coop, especially in damp conditions. Not only is chicken affected by the scaly feet disease, but any type of bird of any age. If the disease is left untreated, the infection may further worsen and lead to their death.
How do you treat the scaly feet disease in chickens?
Patience and constant treatment are the key to treating the chicken’s scaly feet. It will require a couple of weeks to make sure the crusts and scales fall off, and everything returns to normal. There are topical sprays or ointments made of active ingredients to kill the mites present. It also has natural oils to provide moisture and prevent further infestation.
Other people use petroleum jelly to repeatedly apply to the scales. Petroleum jelly softens the scales and crusts and suffocates the mites.
Bumblefoot or Swollen foot of chickens
Bumblefoot, or plantar pododermatitis, is when the chicken’s foot becomes swollen. You will notice this when the chicken limps or cannot stand on the swollen foot.
Other chicken illness symptoms of the bumblefoot are lameness, heat, and black scabs. If the swollen foot is left untreated, the condition may become chronic, and the chicken may die. Bumblefoot starts with a foot injury or a cut, and the staphylococcus bacteria enter the chicken’s foot.
There will be abscess formation and swell filled with fluid.
How do you treat the swollen foot in chickens?
Always wear gloves when handling a chicken with bumblefoot because the staphylococcus infection is contagious. The first step is immediately separating the infected bird and placing it in a cage with soft litter (e.g., pine shavings).
Take a bowl of very warm water with a cup of Epsom salt. Let the chicken soak its feet on the pan for 15 minutes, but make sure the chicken doesn’t drink the water.
After soaking, carefully pull off the scab; if it doesn’t come off immediately, try soaking its feet again. If the scab comes off, there will be an open wound on the chicken’s feet. Rinse it with hydrogen peroxide, apply topical antibiotics, and cover it with sterile gauze. Change the wound dressings daily until the wound heals.
In addition to a wound dressing, oral antibiotics will help treat your chicken’s bacterial infection. Poultry stores or veterinarians can help you with this. Make sure to follow the dosage instructions of the oral antibiotics.
How do you prevent the swollen foot in chickens?
The best way to prevent Swollen feet and other chicken diseases is to have a clean chicken coop. Always maintain cleanliness and make sure the place is dry. Remove sharp objects or wires that may cause an open wound to the chicken.
Chickens skin changes color: Pale, pink, purple, or black
Pale chicken skin
If a chicken’s skin is pale, it is a sign of anemia caused by excessive mite infestation or Chicken Anemia Virus (CAV). Excessive mites, such as the infestation of the knemidocoptes mites, may lead to anemia, wherein the mites survive by sucking the chicken’s blood.
A lot of blood will be lost, and the chicken’s skin, comb, or wattle will become pale as a result.
Chicken Anemia Virus (CAV) is another reason chickens have pale skin. CAV is the cause of Infections, Chicken Anemia, Blue Wing Disease, and Chicken Anemia Agents. It is a vertically transmitted viral infection, meaning the mother hen passed the condition on to its chicks.
Chickens with CAV lose their bone marrow density, become pale, anemic, and have low immune systems.
CAV symptoms other than pale skin and other parts are weakness, anorexia, and cyanosis (bluish discoloration). The chicken may appear tired all the time and not move around much. The severely sick chickens die within two to four weeks, while survivors usually have stunted growth.
Fortunately, CAV is uncommon these days thanks to the availability of vaccinations for chickens.
Purple chicken skin
If the chicken has purple skin, it only means one thing; it doesn’t get enough oxygen. The chicken turns bluish to purple due to low oxygen levels in the blood called cyanosis or the blue disease. Pneumonia and fowl cholera (a bacterial disease) lower the body’s oxygen levels.
Fowl cholera may lead to cold stress, which allows the bacteria to multiply rapidly. The chicken may die within 6-18 hours of acquiring the infection. Since the disease is bacterial, the immediate intake of oral antibiotics is the recommended treatment.
Ensure that the chicken coop does not have a cold temperature, or incubate the chicken if needed. Like CAV, fowl cholera has widely available vaccinations.
Black chicken skin
Black chicken skin is normal for some breeds. Black scabies is not normal, but black skin is expected for the Silkie breed and Ayam Cemani. The Silkie has beautiful but unusual features. It has plumage and satin-like feathers, black skin, black bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each of its feet (the normal is four, as you can recall).
The breed from Indonesia called Ayam Cemani is all black. It has a dominant gene that produces hyperpigmentation, otherwise called fibromatosis. This causes the all-black feature of the Ayam Cenami breed (black skin, feathers, beak, internal organs, and bones).
What causes eye problems in chickens?
Several eye disorders affect chickens; these may result from eye infection (caused by bacteria, virus, or fungus) or injury (due to blunt trauma).
Pink Eye
One of the common eye disorders of chicken is “pink eye” or conjunctivitis (inflammation of the inner eyelid). Like in humans, Pink Eye is caused by bacteria. It can also result from trauma and exposure to irritants like parasites and other foreign bodies for chickens.
Systemic illnesses, respiratory infections, and other disorders can also lead to pink eye development.
Cataracts in chickens appear as a clouding of one or both of the eye’s natural lenses. If a chicken has a cataract, light cannot get through, resulting in the chicken getting blind.
There are five causes of cataracts in chickens: genes, avian encephalomyelitis or Marek’s disease, poor diet, and environmental factors. Avian encephalomyelitis (AE) and Marek’s disease are viral infections that reach the eyes’ retina and cause cataracts.
If the chicken’s diet lacks omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, it may also lead to cataracts, as for the environmental factors that lead to cataracts, exposure to ammonia and continuous lighting contribute to the eye disorder.
How to prevent eye disorders in chickens?
Here are some tips on how to prevent eye disorders in chickens:
- Provide a safe environment for the sick chicken and separate it from the flock
- The environment must be safe from sharp edges, free of dirt, warm, comfortable, and easy access to food and water
- Clean the chicken coop regularly to avoid the accumulation of dust particles (foreign bodies may enter the eyes of the chicken)
- Limit the stress factors of the chicken (e.g., predators, cold, limited space to roam, and weather problems)
- Have the chickens been vaccinated from viral or bacterial infections?
- Make sure to provide enough food and water to the chicken. The diet must be high in protein, omega-3, and antioxidants.
- Veterinarians usually prescribe ophthalmic ointments or antibiotic drops to prevent further infection.
Changes in the dropping: Mucus, diarrhea, or blood
Coccidiosis is the main culprit
The number one killer of brooder chickens is coccidiosis, an intestinal disease caused by a parasite that lives in the chicken’s intestines. This disease damages the intestinal tract and results in poor absorption of nutrients and minerals.
The most common clinical manifestation of the disease is the presence of blood or mucus on the chicken’s manure. The symptoms may appear gradually and even disappear suddenly. This means the chicken appears fine one day and dies very ill or unexpectedly.
Other symptoms of coccidiosis are diarrhea, weakness, pale skin, poor appetite, ruffled feathers, poor growth, weight loss, or insufficient egg production. Not all symptoms appear, so if you suspect coccidiosis, consult a veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment of Coccidiosis
The recommended treatment is to add Amprolium to the chicken’s water. Amprolium will block the growth and production of the parasite in the chicken’s intestine. If the chicken does not eat or drink properly, it is best to give the medication orally.
Prevention of Coccidiosis
Some chicken owners administer Amprolium to their chickens to prevent the development of Coccidiosis. However, it is best to consult a veterinarian before giving the medication.
Bad or fewer eggs from otherwise healthy chickens
Healthy chickens lay an egg every 24 to 46 days under normal and ideal conditions. If your chickens stop laying eggs or decrease their production, there must be an underlying problem.
This may be due to stress, molting, aging, or insufficient light. You can take steps to fix this problem, while there are factors you can’t change. Here are some tips you should remember if you notice bad or fewer eggs in your chicken.
Confirm the egg’s location.
It’s hard to assume that your chicken doesn’t lay an egg if they start hiding their eggs elsewhere. Or try to figure out if there are egg thieves.
If there are no confirmed egg thieves or hiding places, consider the eggs’ daylight exposure. The most common cause of inadequate egg production is the hens’ lack of exposure to daylight. The hen needs at least sixteen hours of daylight exposure to produce the desired eggs.
They may stop laying eggs due to hormonal changes if this is not met. Consider supplemental lighting for days with shorter daylight.
Stress factors
Chicken stress may be caused by predators, dirty environments, overcrowding, loud noises, aggressive hens, poor nutrition, illness, and bad environmental conditions. Avoid these at all costs to ensure a healthy environment for the chicken.
Allot 5-10 square feet of outdoor space per bird so they won’t feel overcrowded. Provide one dry bedding and a nesting box for every four hens so they can lay their eggs properly.
Ideally, hens need 38 different types of nutrients to perform their best when laying eggs. Deficient supplementation is as bad as over-supplementation, so chicken owners should remember this. For optimal laying of eggs, a hen must consume four grams of calcium daily.
As mentioned earlier, the molting process is when chickens grow new feathers in preparation for the winter season. In this stage, the hens are expected to stop egg production, which is normal.
The molting process lasts up to 16 weeks. Once it is over and the chicken has new feathers, egg production will resume.
Sudden death in otherwise healthy chickens
Heart attack
For healthy chickens that undergo sudden death, the most common cause is a heart attack. This is common among fast-growing broiler chickens. The heart attack starts with a wing-beating, short, and terminal convulsion, and the chicken flips on its back. Different stress factors often cause a heart attack.
This sudden death of the chicken is caused by a fully formed egg getting stuck and unable to come out. The egg may be too big, the hen may have been injured in the reproductive gland, or there may be calcium deficiency. Young and overweight hens are prone to egg-bound indictment.
Of course, an accident is another reason for the chicken’s sudden death. Just make sure not to leave around sharp edges or anything that may cause injury to the chicken.
Lastly, your chicken may die of old age. I know this sounds like a precedent moment, but will you remember their ages if you have dozens of chickens in your coop? I don’t think so. The average lifespan of chickens is 5-10 years, and unless you track and monitor the age of all your chickens, death may come suddenly.
Final thoughts
Now that you’re aware of the symptoms of chicken disease, you can confidently take care of your chickens at home. Always try to make it a habit to observe your chickens’ actions while feeding them.
Please note any unusual movement or changes in their appearance. As much as possible, please do not waste any time, assess further, and seek help for their treatment. Chickens are like humans; they need tender, loving care to thrive.